When you skin your knee, you apply a bandage. When you break your arm, you wear a cast. But when your psychological health is in jeopardy, many often allow the issue to go unchecked.
Mental wellness is complicated because it’s invisible. You can’t see a scar or visually identify the pain, but it’s there. That’s why we must shine a metaphorical light on the issue by celebrating Mental Wellness Month.
Your Month, Your Rules
Everyone has a different approach to psychological fitness. Some schedule regular therapy sessions, others rely on medication, and many find solace and serenity through activities like meditation and yoga. Still, others find miraculous results in proactive measures like Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.
More about that later.
The point is, there’s no “one size fits all” solution to the conundrums of mental wellness. Your psyche is as unique as your fingerprint, and it requires an individualized program to match. Stress and distress come in many forms, and you may find yourself suffering from any of the following afflictions on the mental wellness spectrum of concerns:
–Social Anxiety
–Physical Insecurities
–Generalized Depression
–Eating Disorders
–Acute Sense of Loss
–Starting Over
–Substance Use Issues
Instead of trying to tackle the un-tackle-able task of covering all of the above with a blanket approach, let’s highlight the many wonderful gatherings taking place throughout the Los Angeles region in the month of January. One of these events is sure to start you down the road to awareness and understanding…
Get Informed, Get Involved, and Get Out There!
The following calendar offers a plethora of mindful sessions for LA or Santa Barbara residents seeking a sunny path through Mental Wellness Month…
January 3rd – LONELY? – Alienation is a unique strain of mental distress. When you feel alone, you feel desperate. You think there’s nowhere to turn for help, but that’s just the depression talking. There is a place for you, and it’s at the dinner table. This dinner club welcomes anyone suffering from feelings of isolation and withdrawal. You will meet new friends and offer comfort to others in your situation. Belonging is served!
January 6th – A BETTER ME IN 2019 – Empowerment begins with you! Start the new year with a healthy dose of self-reflection and explore holistic wellness, financial independence, spirituality, and a deep dive into what makes a successful person tick!
January 7th – SOBER ZEN – Substance use dulls the pain of mental trauma, but the benefits are short-lived. We often find ourselves chasing the next high (or low) until we become so dependent on our drug or drink of choice that it causes increased psychological complications. This event helps break the cycle of addiction and ushers guests into a new realm of sober sedation. Zen out with other soulful individuals and focus on healthy alternatives to substance use.
January 13th – BRAIN, BODY, BIOME WORKSHOP – As the old saying goes, you are what you eat. We’ve all (over)indulged this holiday season, and now is a time to listen to our gut… literally. This workshop investigates the powerful relationship between our digestion, our general health, and our psychological well being.
January 15th – COMMUNITY INTELLIGENCE, MLK DAY – Our individual mental wellness is indelibly linked to our societal conscience, and no human has been a more shining example of enlightenment than Martin Luther King, Jr. This celebration of his life and supreme sacrifices serve as an example of how civil rights are human rights, and human rights free us from the shackles of psychological distress.
January 19th – WELCOME 2019 WITH LAUGHTER, WELLNESS! – As the old cliche goes, laughter is the best medicine. The same goes for mental wellness, so tickle your funny bone and tune up your mind at this hilarious hootenanny! Get inspired by a unique brand of motivational speaking and chuckle your cares away, if only for the day. Come for the laughs, stay for the healing!
January 26th – THE REBOOT EXPERIENCE – Nothing says “New Year” like a restart, so treat your mind how you would treat a valued electronic device and reboot it carefully and lovingly. Sometimes, we need a break from the past to truly see our way to the future. Put negativity in the rearview mirror and look ahead to a brighter tomorrow!
January 2nd – FREE EATING DISORDER SUPPORT GROUP – With the help of a specialized therapist schooled in the specifics of eating disorders, this gathering welcomes anyone and everyone struggling with food addiction and/or aversion, as well as the associated mental ramifications that stem from these afflictions. All genders, ages, and situations are embraced here!
January 3rd – GRIEF AND LOSS SUPPORT GROUP – There is no more profound impact on our mental wellness than the loss of a loved one, but you don’t need to suffer in silence. Join others who have endured this plight and commune in the spirit of new beginnings and cherished memories.
January 10th – LET YOURSELF OFF THE HOOK / DECREASING ANXIETY – Anxiety is sometimes defined as a lack of mindfulness. When we have a panic attack, it is often because we are too heavily focused on the past or the future rather than the present. We can’t change what’s already happened, and we can’t foresee the future, so we must breathe and remember to live in the here and now. This event will help guide you through the process by giving you a detailed plan to lessen your anxiety and increase your positivity.
January 12th – YOUTH MENTAL HEALTH FIRST AID TRAINING – Who says kids can’t take the lead? They are, after all, the future, and they are ready to guide Santa Barbara into a healthier future for their community, their families, and themselves. This cerebral CPR session teaches attendees to identify mental wellness issues before they descend into worsening conditions. It is designed for a wide array of interested guests, including teachers, coaches, faith leaders, counselors, and any area teens and young adults willing to take a bold step forward for their community!
January 26th – SONG CIRCLES: HEALING THROUGH RHYTHM AND VOICE – If music soothes the savage beast, just imagine what it can do for your weary mind! Well, there’s no need to imagine, because this event lulls you into a deeper level of wellness with every melody. Raise your voice in unison with other music enthusiasts as you help one another vocalize your affirmation for psychological harmony.
Awareness Yields Action
Now that you have connected with other individuals who understand your mental wellness journey, it’s time to guide it into a more enlightened tomorrow. Our expert staff is at the ready to walk you through the breakthrough science of Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and all of its myriad benefits.
It’s a non-invasive procedure, but the results could transform your mental wellness landscape forever. Give us a call and start the healing process today.