Most people have heard the phrase “If you love your job, you’ll never work a day in your life.” While good in theory, that’s a pipe dream for a majority of job hunters. Not everyone has the ability to land their dream job given their credentials and life circumstances.
However, everyone hopes to land a job that they genuinely enjoy. After all, most people spend more time at work than they do at home. When you dislike your job, it can have a serious impact on your mental health and your overall well being. If you already have a mental health condition like depression, finding the right job is even more important.
Depression is a serious mental illness that affects over 260 million people worldwide. The symptoms of depression can range from mild to severe, but in any case, having depression can make certain jobs difficult. If you work at a job that negatively impacts your mental health, it can have real consequences.
As we approach the holiday season, many companies like Walmart, Target, and Best Buy are hiring seasonal employees to assist with e-commerce and warehouse fulfillment. If you’re currently job hunting, it’s important to consider the qualities you want in a job, especially if you suffer from depression.
The COVID-19 pandemic has left many people out of work, and in some places, jobs are still hard to come by. You might not get to choose exactly which role you take. However, people who suffer from depression can find a job that is enjoyable and won’t exacerbate their condition.
What to Consider When Job Hunting with Depression
Research shows that your job can be a major source of mental distress and in serious cases, can cause depression. It’s not surprising why—many employees work extremely long hours, deal with bad managers, and suffer from very little pay.
Job stress can eventually lead to depression when it feels like you have little control over your situation at work. You can’t always ask for a raise, request a better shift, or speak up about a lazy co-worker. Most people have to maintain a job to pay the bills, so quitting your job for a better one isn’t always an option.
However, your mental health is always going to be more important than your job. If your job is fueling your depression, you won’t be able to take care of yourself or your family members. Eventually, it will start to affect other areas of your life. Not to mention, it will probably impact your ability to do your job well.
Before you take a new job, here are some questions you should ask yourself:
1. Is the job emotionally draining?
Some jobs are more emotionally draining than others. Consider customer service reps who deal with angry customers all day or restaurant servers who deal with picky diners. Even when you’re trying to help people, they’re not always kind or appreciative in return. If you have depression, you should avoid emotionally draining jobs that can leave you feeling burned out and mentally exhausted at the end of the day.
2. Is the job monotonous?
Studies show that humans need autonomy and creativity as part of their daily routine in order to live a healthy life. In fact, a survey from staffing agency Robert Half found that employees in creative positions had higher levels of job satisfaction compared to people in legal, accounting, or finance jobs. If you care about having a job with creativity and autonomy, avoid roles that seem monotonous, like a data entry position, which can leave you feeling bored and unfulfilled.
3. Can you be social?
Isolation can be detrimental for people who have depression. Even though depressed people don’t always feel up for social interaction, being around people is linked with greater happiness and can reduce depression symptoms. If you have depression, try to find a job that allows you to be around other people. Some businesses are still operating semi-remotely, so focus on finding an in-person role if you feel comfortable being around other people.
4. What are the benefits like?
Some employer-sponsored benefits packages include health insurance that helps pay for mental health treatment. This can be extremely beneficial for people who suffer from depression and other mental health disorders. Health insurance may cover the cost of therapy, medication, and even some alternative therapies, like transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). As you’re searching for jobs, pay attention to the health benefits that the company offers and consider that when making your final decision.
5. What type of people work there?
Most full-time employees spend at least 40 hours per week at work, so the people you’re surrounded with during that time have a big impact on your mental health. When you’re interviewing for jobs, pay attention to the people in the workplace. Are they younger or older? Did you have enjoyable conversations with your interviewers? Do the employees seem like hard workers? Is it very quiet or are people conversing with each other? Asking these types of questions will help you determine if you’ll mesh well with the company culture.
TMS Treatment for Depression
If you suffer from treatment-resistant depression that hasn’t responded well to conventional approaches, you might be a good candidate for TMS therapy. In a TMS session, an electromagnetic coil is placed across the forehead, which transmits small pulses that stimulate areas of the brain that regulate mood. It’s a fast, non-invasive procedure that has no downtime.
TMS works in conjunction with antidepressants and talk therapy, but has been proven to reduce depressive symptoms in treatment-resistant individuals. After about six weeks of continuous TMS treatment, most people report fewer depressive symptoms, better sleep, and improved mood.
To learn more about TMS therapy at Pulse, call us at (310) 846-8460.